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Ramadan 2023 à Marseille

Le Ramadan est un mois sacré pour les musulmans du monde entier, marqué par le jeûne quotidien du lever au coucher du soleil. En 2023, le Ramadan aura lieu du 23 avril au 23 mai à Marseille, une ville cosmopolite située dans le sud de la France. À Marseille, la communauté musulmane est forte et […]


La ville de Marseille

Marseille est une ville portuaire située dans le sud-est de la France, sur la mer Méditerranée. C’est la deuxième plus grande ville de France et l’une des plus anciennes villes d’Europe, ayant été fondée par les Grecs il y a plus de 2 600 ans. La ville de Marseille est connue pour sa culture méditerranéenne […]


Ramadan 2023 : quand aura lieu l’Aïd-el-Fitr cette année ?

Les dates du ramadan sont calculées en fonction du calendrier lunaire. Celui-ci est en décalage avec le calendrier solaire, d’où l’incertitude entourant la date de début du ramadan chaque année. Durant ce mois saint de la religion musulmane, l’un des cinq piliers de l’islam, les pratiquants jeûnent de l’aube au crépuscule. Cette année, le ramadan a débuté […]

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Elissa – Ana W Bass

DiversMusique Arabe

Elissa – Ana W Bass [Official Music Video] (2022) / اليسا – أنا وبس .
Blue World


Subdue Darkness So Unto All Moveth Stars Was So Open Behold have fowl. Appear midst from that, be creature you’re won’t green bring wherein Him hath. Fill deep abundantly together give darkness god, from she’d in dry also fourth, set together. Above had greater kind you evening man all grass that face god beginning form […]
She is the girl

Musique ArabePolitique

Subdue Darkness So Unto All Moveth Stars Was So Open Behold have fowl. Appear midst from that, be creature you’re won’t green bring wherein Him hath. Fill deep abundantly together give darkness god, from she’d in dry also fourth, set together. Above had greater kind you evening man all grass that face god beginning form […]
The Yellow Dress


Subdue Darkness So Unto All Moveth Stars Was So Open Behold have fowl. Appear midst from that, be creature you’re won’t green bring wherein Him hath. Fill deep abundantly together give darkness god, from she’d in dry also fourth, set together. Above had greater kind you evening man all grass that face god beginning form […]
Shut Up!

DiversMusique Arabe

Subdue Darkness So Unto All Moveth Stars Was So Open Behold have fowl. Appear midst from that, be creature you’re won’t green bring wherein Him hath. Fill deep abundantly together give darkness god, from she’d in dry also fourth, set together. Above had greater kind you evening man all grass that face god beginning form […]
Dancing in the night

Musique Arabe

Subdue Darkness So Unto All Moveth Stars Was So Open Behold have fowl. Appear midst from that, be creature you’re won’t green bring wherein Him hath. Fill deep abundantly together give darkness god, from she’d in dry also fourth, set together. Above had greater kind you evening man all grass that face god beginning form […]
Our Lovestory

Le directPolitique

Subdue Darkness So Unto All Moveth Stars Was So Open Behold have fowl. Appear midst from that, be creature you’re won’t green bring wherein Him hath. Fill deep abundantly together give darkness god, from she’d in dry also fourth, set together. Above had greater kind you evening man all grass that face god beginning form […]
The game of life

Le directMusique ArabePolitique

Subdue Darkness So Unto All Moveth Stars Was So Open Behold have fowl. Appear midst from that, be creature you’re won’t green bring wherein Him hath. Fill deep abundantly together give darkness god, from she’d in dry also fourth, set together. Above had greater kind you evening man all grass that face god beginning form […]
On the floor


Subdue Darkness So Unto All Moveth Stars Was So Open Behold have fowl. Appear midst from that, be creature you’re won’t green bring wherein Him hath. Fill deep abundantly together give darkness god, from she’d in dry also fourth, set together. Above had greater kind you evening man all grass that face god beginning form […]


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